Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Not Quite Super Hero

I have a secret...

You see, I am a Super Hero. I can jump higher than a house. I can lift elephants. I can do magic tricks. I am so fast that I can hit the light switch and leave the room before the lights go out. Well, actually, I can't do anything of those things - but my kids think I can. So lets just say, I'm a not quite "Super" hero.

I am the father of 4 little girls. They look up to me. I am their hero. After all, I can see in the dark after tucking them in. I can scare away monsters and bad dreams. I can heal wounds with a kiss. I can carry all of them at once. I win almost any race, but yet know when to let them come in first. I can build things, fix things, and find lost things. But that is only part of the reason that they look up to me. All little girls look up to their dads - if their dad is really a DAD. I happen to believe the being a dad is one of the most important things in life and thus I put that before almost everything else, falling only behind my faith and my marriage.

But I'm not quite "Super". I fail at times. I try my hardest, but stumble from time to time. My goal is to raise young ladies who love God above all else and if it be His will, raise good families of their own. That is my mission - my purpose.

Stay tuned and you might just learn about the meaning of life... once I can put it into writing.

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